Centre of Excellence Launch

Llanelli CYCA celebrate 40 years with the launch of the Wales Emotional Health & Wellbeing Centre of Excellence

On Friday 11th September 2020, CYCA launched the new Wales Emotional Health & Wellbeing Centre of Excellence as well as celebrating their 40th anniversary, a move to new premises, a new brand and a new website.

An important and emotional day for CYCA’s CEO Tracy Pike MBE and the whole of the CYCA team and board of trustees. Tracy Pike said:
       “These new, and our previous premises, represent the journey CYCA has been on over the last 40 years. From a small room in a run-down school to two professional units in Dragon 24 in the beautiful Llanelli Docks. As a charity we have worked hard to be here, and we want to show all the families we work with that they also deserve more. Many have come on this journey with us but every one of them deserve the opportunities that everyone else has. We are here to make sure they achieve all they can.”

Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed-Powys Police & Crime Commissioner, officially opened the Centre to an audience of local politicians, funders and friends.

Mr Llywelyn highlighted Dyfed Powys Police’s recent investment of £100,000 in Llanelli, working towards providing children and young people in the area with ‘positive childhood experiences’ and that working more closely with CYCA can help embed much of this work on the ground and targeted at those most in need.

Domestic violence is a top priority for the Commissioner and another area that has a strong overlap with the work that CYCA does, with over 700 reported cases of domestic violence every month in the force region there are many opportunities for CYCA to share the experiences and knowledge they have amassed over the last 40 years. Working in partnership to streamline activities, not waste resources and to help those that most need it at the point of need. He said:
        “I am honoured to officially open this new Centre of Excellence and I have learned so much about the excellent work CYCA does on the ground in some very deprived communities. I am determined to work more closely with the team to share learning and expertise and to join up some of the key work we are doing in the police force. We are already planning new ways of working together and I personally look forward to doing more with CYCA.”

Llanelli MP, Nia Griffith, also spoke about the work and awards that CYCA has gained over the years, how valuable these services have been to the community and how pleased she was to be part of the launch of the Centre of Excellence.

The National Lottery Community Fund and Lloyds Bank Foundation were also virtually present and have funded key projects for CYCA over the years, they are two of many funders that have enabled CYCA to develop projects that have supported over 20,000 families directly over the years.

CYCA Chair, Beth Leyshon thanked everyone for attending, especially for the funders’ time and support over the years;
       “Without the belief in us from funding bodies we would not be here today and would not have been able to make such a difference in the region and have changed the lives of so many young people and their families. What we need now is a CYCA in every part of Wales!”


For more information contact: Lianna Davies 01554 776178 lianna@cycaonline.org

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